Elite flowers
Modify Bouquet For Man With Our Florist And Your Idea
In a vase, flowers last 5-10 days, depending on the variety and care. Therefore, if you chose a bouquet of gerberas for congratulations, be sure that the recipient will feel your respect and attention and enjoy bright colors for a long time.
Peduncles are devoid of foliage. Our professional florists can add decorative greenery to the flowers or modify bouquet by your preferences. This will make the bouquet more voluminous and charming.
If you want to make such a bouquet in other colors, feel free to write to us.
Kimberly –
🖤❤️Bloody Mary
I bought a bouquet of red gerberas wrapped in black paper for my male friend. It was undeniably a masculine bouquet. Although this shop informed me what gerberas might not last as long as some other flowers, but never mind.
Nonetheless, the design was perfectly masculine and made for a fitting gift. Surprisingly, I and my friend absolutely love it! It may not be the typical choice for a bouquet, but it turned out to be a unique and striking gift.