“Mono” Bouquet of Roses

2 reviews

4 200 ฿


Available in

Bangkok | Chiang Mai | Phuket | Krabi

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30-31 white roses. Even or odd number of stems.

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Mono bouquet of white roses exudes luxury and opulence. An eloquent expression in the form of a bouquet of roses!

  • Same day delivery if ordered before 13:00pm
  • Free delivery to specified cities *
  • Free card message with every order
  • For delivery to other cities in Thailand please contact us

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About this bouquet


Skip life’s chaos and give serenity in a bouquet of roses nearby


For an immediate and delightful surprise for your loved one, and to express your warm sentiments, consider selecting flowers with same-day or next-day delivery. These bouquet of roses is certain to bring joy to the recipient you intend to astonish. It’s worth highlighting that our skilled florists craft these splendid bouquet of roses with long stems, making them stand out even without packaging – their natural beauty is captivating. Choosing a bouquet of roses is a splendid decision, especially when uncertain about the recipient’s preferences; white roses require minimal fuss and will grace a vase for approximately a week.


Seeking flower delivery in Thailand to celebrate your dear ones?


Elite Flowers is at your service! Wherever you are looking for delivery in big cities: Bangkok flowers, Phuket flowers, Krabi flowers, Chiang Mai flowers. Just contact us! Furthermore, our website showcases an array of versatile bouquets and flower types available year-round across all cities. For intricate arrangements and seasonal flowers, we invite you to connect with us on social networks for personalized consultation.

2 reviews for “Mono” Bouquet of Roses

  1. English

    Gladiator CM (verified owner)

    Being a foreigner in Thailand, I wasn’t sure where to find a trustworthy flower delivery service. Luckily, I stumbled upon this one, and I couldn’t be happier with the experience. The customer support team was responsive and helpful, answering all my questions in English. The flowers were fresh and fragrant, making it a memorable gift for my colleague’s promotion. Highly recommended for fellow expats! Tom from Canada

  2. English

    Emily (verified owner)

    Simply the best! Stylish and rich looking without the frills. Ordered twice in bangkok. The type of roses was slightly different, but also liked both times.

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